Recent News

City Holiday:Memorial Day Monday, May 29, 2017

Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E., reminds everyone that Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2017, is a City holiday.

Application for Redevelopment Waiver

Western Run and Unnamed Tributary Stream Restoration
2200 Kelly Avenue
Baltimore City, Maryland

Application for Redevelopment Waiver

Western Run and Unnamed Tributary Stream Restoration
2200 Kelly Avenue

Baltimore City, Maryland

Application for Redevelopment Waiver

McHenry Row III Phase 2
1215 E. Fort Avenue
Baltimore City, Maryland

Free Event - Rain or Shine Big Truck Day is Tomorrow, May 13, 2017

Big Truck Day in Baltimore has become THE place to be for all the littlest drivers in our City. Every year hundreds upon hundreds of children come to see, and sit in, the BIGGEST trucks in Baltimore. And it is free!

AGENDA -- Design Build Executive Committee Meeting

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 1 p.m.
DPW Director’s Conference Room
200 N. Holliday Street, Room 600

Baltimore Water Ranks Tops in Taste Again

Water from Baltimore’s Ashburton Water Filtration Plant won first place in its division in a taste test. The competition is held each year during National Drinking Water Week by the Chesapeake Section of the American Water Works Association.

waterwater qualitytastetaste test

Application for Redevelopment Waiver

Port Covington Interim Parking
200 East Cromwell Street, Baltimore, Maryland. 21231

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver

Applicant: Pleasants Development, 24012 Frederick Road, Clarksburg, MD 20871
ESD #: 7296
Watershed(s):  Patapsco River

Final Sanitary Sewer Overflow Numbers Reported From May 5, 2017, Downpours

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works estimates that 3.2 million gallons of sanitary sewer/rain water were released as a result of sanitary sewer overflows due to heavy rain on Friday, May 5, 2017.
