Wastewater Treatment Consent Decree Program

This page serves as a repository for all required information related to Baltimore City’s (the “City”) Consent Decree (“CD”) with the Maryland Department of the Environment (“MDE”) and Blue Water Baltimore (“BWB”). The Consent Decree represents a settlement of certain violations alleged by MDE and BWB regarding the discharge permits issued to both Back River and Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plants over the past several years. Paragraph 170 of the CD requires the City to post quarterly reports on its website for public consumption.

The reports must detail the implementation of any corrective actions and work performed under the Consent Decree, progress tracking on projects, required completion dates and actual completion dates, financial expenditures on each project, and all stipulated penalties (if any) that have accrued during that quarter.

Download Reports

BWW CD Report-AUG-2024

BWW CD Report-MAY-2024

BWW CD Report-FEB-2024

BWW CD Report-NOV-2023