Workforce Protections

DPW worker walking next to truck

Safeguarding Our Workforce

At the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW), our employees are essential to keeping Baltimore clean, safe, and sustainable. We are dedicated to providing a safe and healthy work environment for everyone on our team.

Commitment to Safety

DPW prioritizes the safety of our employees by updating our policies to meet and exceed occupational safety standards. Protecting our frontline workers is crucial to maintaining the services that keep Baltimore running smoothly.

Independent Review of Heat Safety

The City of Baltimore has published findings from an independent review conducted by Conn Maciel Carey (CMC) LLP, a law firm based in Washington, D.C. This review assessed DPW’s Bureau of Solid Waste's heat safety policies, practices, and operations. It identified areas where we need to improve our protocols, particularly for employees working in trash and recycling collection.

You can access the full report, including a memorandum outlining the City's corrective actions, CMC’s complete independent review, and DPW’s draft heat safety program, by clicking here.

Corrective Actions

Even before the independent review was completed, DPW initiated several corrective measures to improve worker safety. This includes drafting new Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for heat-related safety and continually evaluating our existing protocols.

Ongoing Improvements

DPW is committed to further improving workplace safety and equipping our employees with the tools and resources they need to work safely. We are building a strong safety culture to protect every member of our workforce.

For more information on the independent review and our ongoing safety initiatives, please see the City’s press release issued Oct. 24, 2024.