Recycling FAQ

What do I do if my trash or recycling is missed?

  • If your trash or recycling collection is ever missed, please call 311. Your Service Request will be sent directly to the supervisor and will be resolved within 24 hours.

My trash or recycling collection is on a holiday, when will it be collected?

  • If your trash or recycling collection day falls on a City holiday, your items will be collected the Saturday immediately following the holiday. No other collections will be disrupted.

How do I dispose of large items?

  • Items that do not fit in a trash can with a tight-fitting lid are considered bulk items. There are a few options to dispose of bulk items.
  • Schedule a bulk pickup. The City will collect up to 3 bulk items (or 4 rimless tires) each household per month. Please call 311 to schedule your bulk collection.
  • Residents are able to utilize Citizens Drop-Off Centers to dispose of items at no cost. Please visit our Drop-Off Centers section for more information.
  • Residents are also able to hire a small hauler to dispose of bulk items or excess trash. Please check with a small hauler you hire where they dispose of their items, to help prevent illegal dumping.

How do I get a trash can or recycling bin?

  • If you move into a new property and you do not have a Municipal Trash Can, please call 311 to request one. Once you complete and send back the form, a trash can will be delivered to your home.
  • If your Municipal Trash Can is stolen, please call 311 to report a stolen/ missing trash can. Once you complete and send back the form, a trash can will be delivered to your home.
  • Recycling bins- Please note the yellow City recycling bins are not required to recycle in Baltimore. Residents are able to use any labeled container, including old trash cans, storage totes, and laundry baskets. Cardboard boxes and paper bags are also acceptable containers. Please, do not place recycling in plastic bags. If you would like a sticker to label your recycling container, please call the Recycling Office at (410) 396-4511 and one will be mailed to you.  If you would like to purchase one of the yellow bins, please see the recycling bin sales section.

How do I dispose of latex paint?

  • Latex paint is not considered hazardous and can be disposed of with your regular trash. The paint must be dried out. Latex paint can be dried out by leaving the lid off of the container. Mixing in kitty litter or sawdust will speed up this process. Please note, like all trash, paint cans must be disposed of in a bag in a trash can with a tight-fitting lid.