Now Accepting Public Comment: Modified Sanitary Sewer Consent Decree Revised Emergency Response Plan

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Today, the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) announced the release of its Revised Emergency Response Plan (ERP), a reference tool to be used by City personnel during a sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) or reported building backup emergency.

The Modified Sanitary Sewer Consent Decree (MCD) requires DPW to submit a revised Emergency Response Plan to protect to public health and welfare in the event of an unpermitted release, spill, or discharge of pollutants from the sewer collection system or in the event of a reported building backup. The Modified Consent Decree for Baltimore City’s sanitary sewer system was entered on October 6, 2017.

The ERP is intended to provide clear guidance for:

  • Locating and eliminating the source of the SSO or backup in a timely manner
  • Notifying affected City agencies and departments, the public, media outlets, and regulatory agencies

The Emergency Response Plan is posted on the DPW website for review and public comment in accordance with the MCD.  DPW will accept public comments pertaining to this document for 30 days, through October 21, 2023.  Comments may be submitted directly to

To view the Revised Emergency Response Plan and to sign up to receive notifications related to the plan, please visit the following DPW webpage:

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