DPW Extends Public Comment Period on Modified Consent Decree Revised Operation & Maintenance Plan to December 16

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The Modified Consent Decree Revised Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Plan has officially been released by the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) and is available on the DPW website for review and comment in accordance with the Modified Sanitary Sewer Consent Decree (MCD). 

DPW has extended the public comment period pertaining to this document for an additional 30 days, through December 16, 2024. Comments may continue to be submitted directly to Michael.Shipman@baltimorecity.gov.

The Modified Consent Decree for Baltimore City’s sanitary sewer system was entered on October 6, 2017. The MCD requires the City to submit a revised O&M Plan to provide for the proper operation and maintenance of the collection system in order to minimize failures, malfunctions, and line blockages due to lack of adequate preventative care.

The goals of the revised O&M Plan are to prevent:

  • Sanitary sewer overflows;
  • Minimize customer service disruptions; and
  • Maximize the useful life of the collection system.

To view the Revised O&M Plan and to sign up to receive notifications related to the plan, please visit the following DPW webpage: https://publicworks.baltimorecity.gov/sewer-consent-decree.



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