Community Grants Available for Outreach and Greening Projects

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The Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) is pleased to announce a new grant opportunity in partnership with the Chesapeake Bay Trust to improve communities, reduce runoff, and enhance local natural resources. These projects can include green spaces, parks, tree canopies, and water bodies.

The funding for the city projects is coming from the stormwater utility fee paid by City property owners.

The Outreach and Restoration Grant Program will fund a variety of project types, including outreach and education projects, and restoration projects. Some of the new opportunities for outreach and education are to assist residents in installing stormwater best practices, such as rain gardens, downspout disconnections, rain barrels, and trees. Some possible considerations for the restoration projects are urban tree canopy expansion, bio-retention cells, bioswales, or other low impact development techniques.

To apply for the grants, community partners must contact the Chesapeake Bay Trust Outreach and Restoration Grant Program at The program is accepting proposals, now through September 13, within three distinct funding tracks:

Outreach: up to $30,000 for projects focused on education and awareness as project outcomes and up to $50,000 for behavior change projects.

Restoration: up to $50,000 for restoration implementation projects.

Outreach and Restoration: up to $75,000 for projects that combine outreach projects with restoration projects to achieve meaningful and measurable outcomes.

Potential applicants should consider attending the Baltimore City Grant Workshop on Thursday, July 19, 6-8 p.m. at DPW’s Ashburton Water Filtration plant, 3001 Druid Park Drive. Here applicants can learn about how to earn funding to design and implement education, outreach, and restoration projects. Attendees should please RSVP by July 18 to:  Additional information may found at

Please note that restoration projects proposed in the City may require as-built drawings to be included as a final project deliverable. In addition, the owner of the property on which a restoration project is being proposed may be required to enter into an easement agreement with the City. Both of these requirements should be considered when creating a project’s budget. Applicants should discuss these requirements with the Trust prior to applying for funds to support a restoration project.

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