DPW Launches Interactive Map Identifying Water Main Repairs

Green banner with DPW logo and text "Department of Public Works Press Release"

To help citizens stay informed, the Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) has added to its website an interactive map that provides information on active water main repair work.

The web-based map provides timely information on active water main repair activity that DPW is conducting in Baltimore City and County. DPW website users can type in addresses to search for locations and click on map symbols to open a box that contains information about a specific water main repair.  The map symbols provide information on “confirmed main breaks,” “work in progress,” and “where service has been restored.”

The information on the map is intended to represent the agency’s on-time work and is based on data submitted by DPW crews working in the field.

“Customers want to know what’s happening in their neighborhood, and to be able to find this information on the web,” said DPW Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E. “This easy-to-use interactive map puts much-needed information in citizens’ hands.” 

During the recent cold temperatures, DPW has been experiencing an increase in the number of water main breaks throughout Baltimore City and County. The map currently shows more than 50 recently restored water mains, with others in progress or awaiting repairs.

Additional map features include pan and zoom tools the map. The map has several zoom levels, each level revealing more detail the closer you get.  This map can be opened in standard web browsers, mobile devices, and desktop map viewers. To access the map, please visit the DPW website: publicworks.baltimorecity.gov.

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