Recent News

Unapproved Vendors Soliciting City Residents

Sept. 5, 2014 (BALTIMORE, MD) — Baltimore City Department of Public Works Director Rudolph S.

Application for Redevelopment Waiver: Calvert Federal LLC

Application for Redevelopment Waiver: Calvert Federal LLC

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver: BGE PIPELINE PROGRAM/G.A.R.P.

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver: BGE PIPELINE PROGRAM/G.A.R.P.

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver: BGE PIPELINE PROGRAM/G.A.R.P.

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver: BGE PIPELINE PROGRAM/G.A.R.P.

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver: BGE PIPELINE PROGRAM/G.A.R.P.

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver: BGE PIPELINE PROGRAM/G.A.R.P.

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver: BGE PIPELINE PROGRAM/G.A.R.P.

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver: BGE PIPELINE PROGRAM/G.A.R.P.

DPW’s Labor Day Closures and Service Interruptions

BALTIMORE MD (August 29, 2014) - Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Rudolph S.

Update on Aug. 12 Sanitary Sewer Overflows Second Highest Rainfall in History Flooded Sewer Lines

BALTIMORE, MD (August 22, 2014) – The rainfall of early last week was one of the heaviest ever recorded in the region.

DPW’s Labor Day Closures and Service Interruptions

BALTIMORE MD (August 20, 2014) Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Rudolph S.

Application for Qualitative & Quantitative Control Waiver & Variance: The Enclave of Federal Hill

Application for Qualitative & Quantitative Control Waiver & Variance: The Enclave of Federal Hill
