Recent News

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver

Pimlico Race Course – Water Main Replacement
5201 Park Heights Avenue
Baltimore City, Maryland

DPW Says Farewell to Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E.

Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) employees says farewell to Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E.  Director Chow concludes his service to the City of Baltimore on Feb. 1. On that day, DPW’s Deputy Director Matthew Garbark will become Acting Director.  

Stormwater Management Waiver

Stormwater Management Waiver
[GAS MAIN] Contract No. 15958022

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver

1301 Chesapeake Avenue
Baltimore City, Maryland

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver

BGE Beechfield Phase 1
Gas Replacement Project
Beechfield Area
Baltimore City, Maryland

City of Baltimore Celebrates Major Environmental Accomplishment to Protect the Chesapeake Bay

Baltimore City Department of Public Works Director, Rudolph S. Chow, P.E., joined by Mr. Ben Grumbles, Maryland's Secretary of the Environment, today announced the completion of another major milestone in improving the water quality of the Chesapeake Bay.

Application for Redevelopment Waiver

29th St. Row Homes; Johns Hopkins University
5 W. 29th Street – 19 W. 29th Street

City Begins Recruitment for 2020 YH2O Career Mentoring Program

Mayor Bernard C. “Jack” Young today announced that recruitment is underway for the next class of YH2O Career Mentoring Program participants.  Applications will be accepted now through February 14, 2020.  To date, 69 residents have completed the Program, which prepares young Baltimoreans for entry-level jobs in the water industry.

Application for Qualitative Control Waiver

Primary Settling Tanks Nos 3 & 4 Rehabilitation at the Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant
8201 Eastern Ave

DPW to Update Public on Work to Comply With the Modified Sanitary Consent Decree

On Thursday, January 23, 2020, the Annual Consent Decree Public Meeting will be held at 1800 Washington Blvd., headquarters of the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE), in Baltimore. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m.
