Name | Description | Released Date | File |
Master Plan | The DRAFT Master Plan draws on the Task 5 and 7 reports to develop a set of recommendations based on actionable strategies and programmatic and infrastructure needs for the City to achieve the LWBB Plan’s goals of waste diversion and recycling. | 8/5/2020 |  |
Potential Improvements to the Current Diversion/ recycling system | The report documents potential options for the City to consider which, if implemented, would improve current waste diversion and recycling rates within the residential and commercial sectors. | 6/30/2019 |  |
Managing What's Left | This report documents potential options for the city to consider for the management of residual waste following the implementation of the waste diversion efforts identified in the Task 5 report. | 4/15/2020 |  |
Benchmarking Study | This study compares the performance of Baltimore City’s current solid waste management systems and services with those in five other U.S. jurisdictions that have either enacted, or are in the process of enacting, meaningful improvements to their waste disposal and recycling rates | 9/26/2020 |  |
Comprehensive Description of Existing Services | A critical task of the Less Waste, Better Baltimore master planning effort which focused on developing an understanding of the existing waste and recycling streams in the City, as well as the current systems for processing and managing them. | 7/30/2019 |  |
Community Survey | More than 2,000 people participated in the Less Waste, Better Baltimore survey! Thanks to everyone who took the time to make their voices heard. | 4/19/2019 |  |
Winter Waste Characterization Study | A two-season (winter 2019 and summer 2019) waste and recycling sort was conducted. These waste and recycling sorts evaluated components of the City’s existing solid waste management system, focusing on curbside waste collection, commercial waste collection, and curbside single-stream recycling | 2/22/2019 |  |
Summer Waste Categorization Study | A two-season (winter 2019 and summer 2019) waste and recycling sort was conducted. These waste and recycling sorts evaluated components of the City’s existing solid waste management system, focusing on curbside waste collection, commercial waste collection, and curbside single-stream recycling | 9/26/2019 |  |
Community Meeting 1 - Edmonston Westside High School | Community meetings are a critical component of the information gathering part of the project. Participation from residents, businesses, students, and other stakeholders across the City is critical to ensuring that we identify a range of proven, sustainable waste management and diversion approaches that truly works for the people who live and work in Baltimore. | 2/28/2018 |  |
Community Meeting 2- Shake & Bake Family Fun Center | Community meetings are a critical component of the information gathering part of the project. Participation from residents, businesses, students, and other stakeholders across the City is critical to ensuring that we identify a range of proven, sustainable waste management and diversion approaches that truly works for the people who live and work in Baltimore. | 3/11/2018 |  |
Community Meeting 3 - Mergenthaler High School | The study team provided an update on the current research into improving solid waste diversion and attendees had the opportunity to pose questions or make suggestions regarding the master planning effort. | 6/4/2019 |  |
Community Meeting 4 - Enoch Pratt Library - Southeast Anchor | The study team provided an update on the current research into improving solid waste diversion and attendees had the opportunity to pose questions or make suggestions regarding the master planning effort. | 6/15/2019 |  |