Stormwater Management Requirements
Article 7, Division II of the City Code requires that land disturbance activities must have stormwater management plans approved by the Department of Public Works (DPW). The stormwater management plans must also comply with the 2000 Maryland Stormwater Design Manual (Revised) which is available on the; Storm Water Management Program Page. In order to determine the minimum design requirements for stormwater management, a developer must follow these steps:
- Delineate the site.
- Identify the land disturbance activity type.
- Measure the existing impervious area.
- Determine the development type.
- Identify the 8-digit watershed.
- Estimate the proposed impervious area and changes to drainage patterns.
- Calculate the minimum requirements for stormwater management.
For a detailed description of each of these steps, please view the SWM Minimum Requirement Document.
Questions? Call DPW's Plans Review and Inspection Section at 410-396-0732.