DPW Director Chow Addresses National Water Issues : Cover Story of Leading National Journal

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Baltimore City Department of Public Works Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E, along with the C.E.O. of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) Adam Krantz, have penned the cover story for the latest edition of the Clean Water Advocate.

The article, PAYING THE PRICE, outlines the current dual national crises of addressing our aging water, wastewater, and storm water infrastructure, and also the associated rising costs of water and the impact on our poorest citizens.

Baltimore is used as an excellent case study because it has old pipes and a significant portion of its population is below the poverty level. In addition it is only a few dozen miles from Washington and this article is addressed to Congress and the E.P.A., asking them to take urgent steps to address these issues.

In spite of promises from the White House on infrastructure initiatives, these have not yet panned out. In addition to the obvious needs to upgrade our mains and tunnels, federal mandates have placed extraordinary burdens on local budgets, and in turn on every citizen.  

The Clean Water Advocate is a publication of NACWA, the nation’s recognized leader in legislative, regulatory and legal advocacy on the full spectrum of clean water issues, as well as a top technical resource for water management, sustainability and ecosystem protection interests.

The Winter 2018 edition, with this article, can be found here: https://www.nacwa.org/news-publications/clean-water-advocate.

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