PUBLIC NOTICE: Culverts 11 & 19, Loch Raven Drive


Tracking No: 22-NT-0194/202261318

Project: Baltimore City Dept of Public Works – Culverts 11 & 19, Loch Raven Drive

Baltimore City Department of Public Works has submitted an application to the Wetlands and Waterways Program of the Maryland Department of the Environment Nontidal Wetlands Division for a Joint Permit Application for:

The “Loch Raven Drive over Unnamed Tributary Culvert – LRD Culvert No. 11” project involves replacement of an existing 30-inch RCP culvert and repair of a washout area adjacent to Loch Raven Drive as requested by the Baltimore City Department of Public Works. Reconstruction of Loch Raven Drive culvert LRD 11 and associated work consists of installation of approximately 148 LF of 48-inch reinforced concrete pipe, including upstream and downstream endwalls. Approximately 63 SY of Class Iriprap and 117 SY of Class II riprap will be installed upstream and downstream of the replaced culvert, respectively. An additional 168 SY of riprap will be installed at the adjacent washout area, underlain by approximately 235 CY of compacted CR-6 aggregate. Approximately 93 SY of limits of paving restoration and 52 LF of curb and gutter repair is also proposed.

This project will temporarily impact 496 square feet (171 linear feet) of perennial stream, 666 square feet of palustrine emergent wetland, and 1,255 square feet of non-tidal wetland buffer. The project will also permanently impact 110 square feet (9 linear feet) of perennial stream, 930 square feet of palustrine emergent wetland, and 1,002 square feet of non-tidal wetland buffer.

The “Loch Raven Drive over Rush Brook Culvert – LRD Culvert No. 19” project involves embankment remediation, roadway reconstruction and installation of an endwall onto an existing 84-inch structural plate pipe culvert beneath Loch Raven Drive. Embankment remediation consists of injection of approximately 1,730 lbs of polyurethane grout arou nd the outside of the existing culvert via grout ports. Additionally, compaction grouting from the roadway surface consists of installing approximately 1,370 CF of grout in columns within the embankment. An endwall is proposed at the downstream end of the existing pipe, and approximately 272 SY of full-depth roadway reconstruction and 191 LF of curb and gutter are proposed to remediate roadway settlement.

This project will temporarily impact 1,073 square feet (135 linear feet) of perennial stream and 497 square feet of extended (100 foot) non-tidal wetland buffer.

Compensatory mitigation requirements will be met through the purchase of nontidal wetland mitigation credits from a certified mitigation bank.

Since you are an appropriate local official, you are being notified of the proposed project.

Persons wishing to review the plans for this project may contact me at the address listed below. If you have any questions concerning the application, please call me at 410-396- 7300. Persons wishing to review the application or plans for this project may contact the undersigned at


Farid Sikander

200 Holiday Street, 9th floor Baltimore, MD 21202


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