​Application for Variance

Baltimore City, Maryland

The City of Baltimore Department of Public Works is accepting public review and comments on this project’s application for a variance of Stormwater Management.

Applicant: Robert White; 4116 Groveland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215 
ESD #: 7826
Watershed(s): Gwynns Falls

Project Description: The project has an approximate area of 0.55 acres and is located at 4201 Groveland Avenue. The project consists of new development for construction of a 1-story building with a garage and associated parking lot.  

The Applicant is requesting a variance in accordance with Article 7, Division II, §23-4 of the City Code for approximately 0.03 acre of this project.  The Applicant has demonstrated that 0.52 acres of the project will have water quality and quantity control provided.  The applicant has demonstrated that qualitative control for 0.03 acre of impervious area associated with this project is unable to be drained to the SWM facilities. Therefore, the untreated impervious area will be covered by Fee-in-Lieu payment.

To obtain information about this request, please contact Pramod KC, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Office of Compliance and Laboratories, Room 228, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD 21215, (410-396-0732) or by e-mail to DPW.Plansreview@baltimorecity.gov.

Send information or comments about this waiver request to Nathaniel Krause, Baltimore City Department of Public Works, Office of Compliance and Laboratories, Room 228, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, MD  21215, (410-396-0732) or by e-mail to DPW.Plansreview@baltimorecity.gov by 4:30 PM, 02/05/2020. Comments received after 4:30 PM, 02/05/2020, will not be considered.

Any further notices about actions on this waiver request will be posted on the Department’s website.

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