30 W. Biddles Street PUBLIC NOTICE

The Baltimore City Department of Public Works, in coordination with Potomac Holdings, is accepting public review and comments for a request to issue a Stormwater Management Redevelopment Waiver to the City Code for a redevelopment project on the property located 30 W. Biddle Street, Baltimore, MD 21201.

Notice is hereby given that the public is invited to comment on the request by Potomac Holdings, 7508 Wisconsin Ave # 2, Bethesda, MD 20814-3561, to have a Stormwater Management Waiver granted for The Varsity re-development project. Comments related to this request must be received by 5:00 p.m. on January 14, 2011 to ensure consideration by the Department.

The site in question has an area of 15,831 square feet or 0.36 acre. Currently, on the site, is an asphalt parking lot, which results in the site being 100% impervious. Potomac Holdings is proposing to remove the asphalt and to do soil remediation, which will reduce the impervious surface on the site by 100%. This is the Mass Grading phase of the project.

In order to meet the 2010 Baltimore City SWM Ordinance requirements for the proposed redevelopment project, a waiver for Stormwater Management Requirements is requested. This project reduces the impervious area of the site by 100%, greater than the 50% reduction required for redevelopment, in accordance with the Baltimore City Stormwater Management ordinance section 23-7.

In order to meet the 2010 Baltimore City SWM Ordinance requirements for the proposed improvements, a Redevelopment Waiver must be granted by the Department that will allow the Stormwater Management Requirements for this project to be waived.


A copy of the Stormwater Management Report may be obtained by calling and making a request to Colbert Matz Rosenfelt, Inc. at (410) 653-3838 or by visiting the office during normal business hours:

Colbert Matz Rosenfelt, Inc.
2835 Smith Avenue, Suite G
Baltimore, Maryland 21209


Notices regarding future actions on this project will be posted.

Questions or comments on project waivers may be submitted during the review period by mail to Mr. Warren Ware, Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW), Bureau of Water and Wastewater, Surface Water Management Division, 3001 Druid Park Drive, Baltimore, Maryland 21215, or by e-mail to warren.ware@baltimorecity.gov.

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