BaltiMeter Installation Expands to Northwestern Baltimore County

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BALTIMORE, MD —The Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) announced that BaltiMeter installation is steadily moving forward and has now expanded into northwestern Baltimore County. This installation, which started March 30, includes the area north of the City line and west of York Road that receives water service from DPW.

In addition, automated meter installations in Baltimore City are substantially completed, and the meters’ wireless data transmission networks are now in operation in the City. To date, in the City and Baltimore County, 278,785 automated water meters have been installed, over two-thirds of the completion mark.

During the upcoming installations, water should typically need to be turned off for less than an hour. Customers will be notified by letter about in advance of the installations. Door hang tags and street signs will be posted to notify customers that installations are pending. In addition, customers will be notified by a knock on the door just before the water is turned off. Meter installers will not need to enter customers’ homes.

Automated meters eliminate the chance that meters cannot be read because of obstructions, weather, or other challenges. These new meters wirelessly transmit precise water usage to the billing system.  

Commercial customers will receive a letter directing them to contact 410-396-5352 to schedule an appointment for their meter upgrade. This is to minimize the impact to their businesses caused by a water disruption.  

Baltimore City DPW provides water and sanitary sewer service to customers in both Baltimore City and Baltimore County jurisdictions. Between the two jurisdictions there are approximately 400,000 metered customers.

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