CARE-A-Lot Program Accepting Applications
CARE-A-Lot Program Accepting Applications
Friday, February 2, 2018 - 8:30am to Friday, March 9, 2018 - 4:30pm
BMORE Beautiful is now accepting applications for Care-A-Lot Program grants. Care-A-Lot is a BMORE Beautiful initiative that supports Baltimore City 501(c)3 organizations that want to clean, mow, maintain and beautify vacant lots in Baltimore City. The deadline for submitting the grant application has been extended to Friday, March 9.
Each year, CARE-A-LOT selects community based organizations for the program through a comprehensive application process. Selected groups can receive a grant fund for up to $5,500 to care for up to 25 lots during the grant period of May-October.
This year's program offers an opportunity to apply for project coordinator grant funding. The coordinator will undertake a variety of administrative management tasks such as submitting invoices and providing before and after photos of lots that are maintained as a result of this grant.
Download 2018 CARE A LOT application
For additional information about CARE A LOT, please contact Natasha Neale or Kwame Rose :
BMORE Beautiful CARE A LOT Program
Environmental Control Board
1 North Charles Street, 13th Floor
Baltimore, MD 21201