DPW Shred Event
DPW Shred Event
Saturday, October 19, 2024 - 8:00am to 12:00pm

DPW Shred Event
Saturday, October 19th at Edmondson Westside High School (501 N. Athol Ave, 21229) 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. In partnership with BGE for Small Appliance Recycling.
- Residents can bring up to two 32-gallon bags of paper documents.
- No cardboard, plastic, or trash of any kind is allowed.
- Drive-Thru Convenience:
- Stay in your car! Our friendly staff will assist you with quick and convenient drop-off and shredding.
- There will also be a GROW Center Pop Up giving away free trees, mulch, and much more!
- Partnering with BGE for recycling of Room Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers, and Mini Fridges.
DPW Shred Event
501 N Athol Ave,
Baltimore, MD 21229