Yard Waste

The Bureau of Solid Waste takes yard waste. Please remember the following:

  • Put your yard waste out on your trash collection day.
  • Put it at the same place where you put out your trash.
  • Put yard waste in plastic bags (preferably clear or labeled bags), paper bags, or bundle it.
  • Do not put your bagged yard waste in the gutter or public right-of-way.
  • We may not pick up all of your yard waste at one collection; please limit yard waste to 5 bags per collection.
  • Do not put your yard waste too far into your yard; please put it at the end of your yard where our crews can have access.
  • A locked gate and/or animal will prevent us from collecting your yard waste; please confine your pets on collection day.
  • We do not take tree branches larger than 4 inches in diameter or longer than 3 feet.
  • You can also take your yard waste to any Citizen Drop-off Center.